Iodine Nutrition of Humans
Situation the UK.
It has been established around
the world that severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy can cause irreversible
brain damage in the foetus. It is important that Iodine intakes are sufficient
during pregnancy; it is thus a serious matter for women of reproductive age.
It was disappointing enough to
learn in 2011 from a small survey that 2/3 schoolgirls in the UK were iodine
deficient but I am shocked by the finding, reported in early 2012, that of
193 countries worldwide the UK is one of the 10 worst iodine deficient
countries that have the most school age children with insufficient iodine

It is sad to realise that the UK
is now a “third world country” with regard to iodine.
The World Health Organisation recommendations
(2007) are:
250 micrograms of iodine per day for pregnant
150 micrograms for adults,
120 micrograms for children 5-13 years and
90 micrograms for children under 5 years.
These iodine intakes can be achieved by including
iodine-rich food in the diet, such as sea fish and sea foods but these are
seldom eaten regularly.
The higher iodine requirement in pregnancy and
lactation may necessitate the taking of supplements. Women may consider taking
a daily pregnancy supplement, typically containing about 150 micrograms
iodine. It is important that kelp or
seaweed supplements are not used as iodine sources as these products have very
variable, and often extremely high, concentrations of iodine that could lead to
problems caused by excessive intake.
Most of the iodine in the typical UK diet comes
from milk and dairy products. This is the result of the inclusion of iodine in
animal feed (mostly fed indoors and not used by organic farmers) and from the
contamination of dairy equipment with the iodophors used as disinfectants.
Iodine concentrations in milk vary with summer
milk containing less iodine than winter milk. Organic milk contains up to 40%
less iodine than conventional milk.
Two glasses of conventional milk, 1 egg, cereals
and bread and butter is a good start, which together with the iodine in meat,
vegetables, fruit and beverages (possibly totaling up to 100 micrograms) may be
It is advisable that iodine nutrition in pregnancy
is discussed with the GP and health adviser.
Iodine deficiency and sufficiency
can be easily assessed by urine analysis and can be readily prevented and
corrected by eating sufficient iodine-rich food. At the very least the message
that iodine is required for brain development needs to be got across to all
planning a family.
It is hoped that one day a nation-wide
survey of the iodine situation will be carried out in the UK by urine analysis.
At present the nutritional adequacy of the national diet is assessed by
analysis of food combined with quantities of food consumed by different groups
of people. It is accepted that young women in the UK are unlikely to get
sufficient iodine because their diets are inadequate but this does not seem to
have led to any advice regarding iodine in pregnancy.
October 2012
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